• Blunt Review of the TD Ameritrade API for automated trading

    For the past couple of months, I’ve been utilizing the TD Ameritrade API to work on a couple of applications that can allow you to trade outside the platform and automate some trading processes. To save you time from reading the rest of this post, it is just okay. Not good, not bad, just okay.…

  • Recognizing your dog’s mood with the power of Machine Learning (Part 2)

    In the previous post, we discussed how to build an image classifier that can recognize and classify a dog’s mood. We specifically were classifying “happy” and “sad”. We are now going to add more classes to the original model in order to see if we can classify more moods. Since I last worked with TensorFlow’s…

  • Recognizing your dog’s mood with the power of Machine Learning

    Recognizing your dog’s mood with the power of Machine Learning

    Have you ever wondered if there was a way you could tell how your dog is feeling? What if I told you that there was a way to do this visually (sort of) using machine learning image classifers. Here is a demo of the application that you can load on your phone or computer and…

  • Lightmode Helmet Modification

    Lightmode Helmet Modification

    Hello All, It’s been a while since my last post but I’ve decided to finally make some time to get some blogging done. This time I will be discussing a product that started out as a kickstarter campaign. This campaign reached its funding goal and surpassed it over 11 times. Meet LightMode Helments. This company provides…

  • Update and Inspirational Device

    Hello all, I know. I know. Its been a while since my last post. I’ve been keeping busy with work and haven’t really had the time to commit to this blog.  That being said I think its time to start posting here more regularly. So.  I just invested in this kickstarter project that I believe…

  • Organizing my motorcycle accessories Post 1

    First an introduction. This last winter, I was stranded at work because my battery died over a period of a day. I still don’t know exactly what accessory was the culprit but I think it had something to do with my wheel lights. So I will be making an effort to organize how my accessories…

  • When should I use responsive design?

    Often when planning out a website, one must decide if responsive design is an appropriate approach for the project. There are many considerations to take an account before jumping the gun on this. Lets start out with the limitations of fixed width designs: The usability and interface don’t work on screens that are too small…

  • What happened to Blogging?

    What happened to Blogging?

    One issue that I often run into when developing websites is finding a solution for clients that simply want to blog. WordPress originally started as a Blogging only platform and it was great at it. Over time, however, WordPress evolved into something more. WordPress fits that niche where you need to get a site up and running somewhat quickly without the hassle and…